
Revive and Thrive

Revive and Thrive is an endeavor to ignite inspiration in the readers. The book unfurls enthusiasm, determination, and momentum. It presents a wide variation of stories of professional speakers who adorn the hat of authority in their respective arenas. This rich panorama of stories has a central thread of surviving crisis and thriving. Some stories are a mini-autobiography of the author’s life and showcase resilience through the vagaries of life. All the authors have been magnanimous in not seeking any pecuniary benefits from the sales. All proceeds from the sale will be donated to charity.


On her quest to find truth, four times bestselling author, Sandra Stachowicz, pulls down the curtain and reveals the behind-the-scenes of 11 extraordinary stories of eleven ordinary women and their remarkable career and entrepreneurial journeys without sugar-coating or censoring their unique voice.

In Rebirth, real women from all walks of life take us on their exceptional and sometimes, disturbing journeys, full of unquenching hope, valour, and resilience. They beat incredible odds and summon up the courage from deep within their soul to reclaim their lives.

Your Blooming Life

 ‘Bloom’ is a flower that has blossomed through the collective efforts of its co-founders, Payal Irani, Premraj Kalapadan, Deepak Khemani, Abhijit Sanzgiri and Dr Neeta Mhatre. Payal brings to the fore a dainty freshness. Premraj with his solid corporate credentials lends authority and stability. Deepak with his flair and knowledge on Finance compounds its effect. Abhijit with his accounting background looks at derisking. Dr Neeta brings a different medical perspective to round off the Core team. The Core team has been helped by an Advisory board consisting of Bhavna Shah, Eric Martin, Meera Sanzgiri, Dr Ajay Pandey & Dr. Neha Mishra.

The book showcases the journey in life of each of these diverse individuals as they have bloomed in life. Each story will motivate readers to look into their lives to derive inspiration to bloom.

From Gloom to Bloom

A compilation of 12 stories penned by Indian and foreign authors.

The stories are real life experiences of the authors as they navigated the depths of despair to finally come out blooming. These stories of baptism by fire are inspirational. It will serve as the harbinger of hope in our troubled times. It will provide solace and courage for those going through gloomy days that there is light at the end of the tunnel.

The stories cry out for the need to persevere with courage and hope to finally come out trumps. The proceeds of the sales of the book will go charity in India connected with providing education to the economically challenged strata of society.