“​A Single Death is a Tragedy ; A Million Deaths is a Statistics”​

Present pandemic scenario is precarious. ‘NO BED’….’NO REMEDESIVIR INJECTION’….’NO OXYGEN’…in most INDIAN Hospitals.

Apart from so called shortage of supplies, yesterday’s incident in Nashik, Maharashtra was extremely shocking. 22 innocent human lives on ventilators died due to short supply & leakage of Oxygen.

Isn’t it a sheer case of negligence on part of Hospital administration? OR Lack of proper co-ordination leading to system failure ?

Who is responsible & guilty for such tragic and irreparable loss of human life ?

Judicial inquiry will be initiated, Poor consolations of ‘ Monetary Considerations ‘ announced etc…etc…But can they bring the ‘Lives’ back ?

‘Time & Tide wait for none’.

Everything in the ‘Present’ will be ‘Past history’ & soon forgotten.

A pivotal question arises – Is human life so cheap ? Have ‘WE’ lost or the basic humanitarian values of helping fellow human beings in times of such crisis ?

The ground reality is quite different. We see a chain of Businessmen, Manufacturers, Middlemen, Hoarders & Black marketers of ” ESSENTIAL SUPPLIES & STOCKS OF MEDICINES ” needed to combat & curb menace of Covid. ‘ INSTEAD ‘ they try to mint money at ‘COST’ of human lives. Really it’s a pity and shame on humanity.

In the process of breaking the chain of deadly virus, such chain of selfish people must be broken & they must realize that Almighty God has created ” ALL OF US “. We all humans sail in the same boat– whether Rich or Poor as destined, but the ‘ FINAL DESTINATION AT END IS THE SAME ‘. Be aware of your deeds. Hope better sense prevails.

Today, relatives of Covid positive affected patients run desperately from Pillar to post in search of BED, vial of INJECTION, vital OXYGEN with a ray of HOPE to protect & save the precious life of their beloveds, in the process some SUCCEED & some FAIL.

Need of the hour is to club loopholes in the system to avoid such contingencies in future.


May the departed souls RIP.