The Age Of Relationships

Are we waiting for some opportunity to meet someone dear to us?
The Age of Relationships
The story of four close friends from school, who studied in the same school up to SSC (high school)
At that time, there was only one luxury hotel in the city.
After the high school exam, they decided that they should go to that hotel and have some tea and breakfast. The four of them could hardly collect forty rupees. It was a Sunday and all four of them reached the hotel by bicycle at ten-thirty.
Danny, Sam, Michael, and Paul started talking while having breakfast and tea. All four of them decided unanimously, that they would meet again after 40 years in the same hotel on 1st April.

“Till then we all should work very hard. It will be interesting to see how much progress has been made after 40 years,” they discussed.
It was also decided that the last one to reach the hotel then, would have to pay the bill for that day.
Andy, the waiter who served them tea and snacks, was listening to all this. He said, “If I stay here till then, I’ll be waiting for you all.”
All four separated for further education.
Danny had left the city after his father got relocated, Sam went to his uncle for further studies, and Michael and Paul got admission to different colleges in the city.
Eventually, Michael also left the city.
Days, months, and years passed.
In forty years, the city underwent a radical change. The population of the city increased, and roads, flyovers, and malls changed the appearance of the city.
Now that hotel had become a five-star hotel, the waiter Andy had now become Mr. Andy, the owner of this hotel.
Forty years later, on the scheduled date, April 1st, at noon, a luxury car came to the door of the hotel.
Danny got out of the car and started walking towards the porch. He now had three jewelry showrooms.
Danny reached the hotel owner Mr. Andy, and both of them kept looking at each other. Mr. Andy said, “Paul sir had booked a table for you a month back.”
Dinesh was heartily happy that he was the first of the four, so he wouldn’t have to pay the bill that day and would make fun of his friends for it.
After a while, Sam arrived. Sam had become a big builder of the city. For his age, he now looked like an old senior citizen.
Now, they both were talking and waiting for the other friends. The third friend, Michael also came in half an hour. On talking to him, both of them came to know that Michael was now a businessman.
The three friends kept looking towards the door again and again, wondering when Paul would come.
Soon, Mr. Andy came to them and said, “A message has come from Paul sir. He’s asked you all to start with snacks, and he’ll join you.”
All three were happy to meet each other after forty years, laughing and joking for hours, but Paul did not come.
Mr. Andy said, “Paul sir has sent another message, you three should order your favorites from the menu and start eating.”
The food was ordered, but even after they had finished eating, Paul did not show up. When the three asked for the bill, they were told that the bill has been paid online.
At eight o’clock in the evening, a young man got down from the car and with a heavy heart reached the three friends preparing to leave the hotel. The three couldn’t take their eyes off the man.
The young man said, “I am your friend’s son Ron, my father’s name is Paul. Dad had told me about your get together today, he was waiting for this day, but he passed away last month due to a serious illness…
He had asked me to come late because if I had come early, it would have made you all sad. Dad had said, “My friends will not laugh if they come to know that I am not in this world, then they would lose the joy of meeting each other. ” I don’t want that ”
That’s why he ordered me to come late. He also asked me to hug you on his behalf.” Ron spread both his hands with watery eyes.
Everyone around was eagerly watching this scene, they thought they had seen this young man somewhere.
Ron said, “My father became a teacher and gave me a good education to become the governor. Today, I am the governor of this city.
Everyone was amazed, Mr. Andy said, “Now, it won’t be after forty years, but we will meet in our hotel every month, and each time there will be a grand party from my side….”
keep meeting your loved ones, don’t wait for any opportunity to meet someone we never know when it’s time to get separated and we may never get to meet again
The journey of life is also like a train journey.
When someone’s station comes, they will have to be dropped at that moment. Only a few blurry memories would remain.
Stay with family, feel the joy of being alive
Keep meeting your loved ones, not only on special days but also on other occasions, and sometimes without any reason too. May the tree of our relationships be nourished by the water of love, for whom we do not have to wait for any reason or opportunity to meet.
Dear friends, when you are reading this story, if someone comes to your mind, do talk to them for two minutes. We have all the facilities.
In this infinity of life. ” We must take time for the people around us and enjoy the beauty of life.”
Bloom with your relationships.
Abhijit Sanzgiri Deepak R Khemani Futurist Dr Neeta Mhatre Mishra KV Premraj Bhavna Shah Meera Sanzgiri Dr Ajay Kummar Pandey Brigadier Sushil Bhasin Nicholas Mickovski Roselle Munsayac Suman Sirohia (Happiness and Mindfulness Coach) Kaushi Biddappa 🕉 Arati Kedia Dr Usha Roopnarain- Former MP in the National Assembly RSA Brenda Mendes Shweta Raka 🇮🇳 Shivani Malhotra

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